Most of you know by now that I had set a date for myself to leave most public platforms in order to best simulate a state of nonexistence, given my cowardice to act any further on the idea than this. However, you may also know the only reason there was a date set instead of having myself leave immediately is because of Evil 7quid Fnas. I thought at the time of setting the date that I would have had it at a somewhat decent state by the time I was to leave; I was wrong.
Given the current ambitious plans for the project, and on top of that, it not even being my only project, I have decided to push back the date all the way to this August. I know this makes me seem insufferable, but I swear it really is only because I want to finish my art projects. They are the only thing I really have to show for myself, so I would prefer I leave them in a decent state, at least.
I hope you understand and look forward to what I have planned for Evil 7quid Fnas.